June 24th, 2016

Typeface v1.4
Print and export to PDF is here! Now you can send your hand-picked font collection to your client, boss and colleagues for review. Or be OldSchoolCool and let your printer turn that beautiful blank white paper into even more beautiful font preview sheets 8-) Speaking of old school… Still have some PostScript Type 1 font suitcase files laying around from back in the day? Yep, from now on Typeface will preview those too.
- Export your fonts to a beautiful PDF
- Keep it digital and choose File > Print… > PDF (in lower left-hand corner of the print panel)
- Or choose to print that sexy typography to paper
- Support for multiple font overview or single font detail
- Added support for PostScript Type 1 fonts
- Added Thai language pangram, ไม่เป็นไร
- Added option to prevent loading duplicate duplicate fonts fonts (on by default)
- Decreased minimum preview point size to 8pts
- Fixed collection dropdown menu position when using a secondary screen
- Prevent blank previews when you enter a space into the preview input