October 11th, 2016

Typeface v1.5
This update brings you multiple actions that let you organise all your fonts at once:
- Activation: activate/deactivate all fonts in the current collection
- Collections: add multiple fonts to an existing collection, the Quick Collection or a brand new collection
- Clear: remove all the fonts in the current collection in a single sweep
Together with the previous update which introduced quick selecting fonts with Command-click, your typography workflow will be faster than ever: Add the fonts you like to the Quick Collection, switch over to the Quick Collection (new shortcut: Command3), then save as a new collection (CommandShiftN)
Also included in this update:
- multiple new keyboard shortcuts
- changed the preview field placeholder to be more intuitive
- added support for the new CMD-click shortcut in Family view
- removed click delay when clicking on a source tab while it animates
- fixed issue when adding fonts to favourites in Sierra
- fixed issue when adding fonts to Quick Collection in Family view
- fixed some inconsistencies when deactivating a font in the Quick Collection