November 17th, 2023 main

Typeface v3.11

Change Main Previews

When grouping fonts by family Typeface automatically displays the font that is closest to regular. This is done based on font meta data. In most cases you’ll see the regular font instead of a bold or italic variant, but for some families the meta data may be incorrect or the perfect pick may be ambiguous.

Now you can adjust this by manually picking the main preview of a family, such that you’ll always see the font you want to see. This is particularly helpful for font families that have symbolic or swash variants which may’ve been picked instead of a regular variant.

To change a main preview:

  1. Right click (or Control click) on a font
  2. Choose the Family submenu
  3. Click on Change Main Preview (or hold down the Option key)

Alternatively choose File > Edit Families from the main menu and click on a main preview icon to adjust the main preview of a family.

NEW Change family main previews
NEW Activate, deactivate, filter and remove multiple tags in the sidebar using the context menu
IMPROVED Highlight targeted tags when showing the tags context menu in the sidebar
IMPROVED Auto size characters and feature previews
IMPROVED Show a badge when an update is available and app is running in the background
IMPROVED Go to specific detail page from font context menu: Info / Features / Variables
IMPROVED Set better defaults for new app installs: auto size, collapse families and dynamic previews
IMPROVED Calculate more accurate tracking when showing dynamic previews
IMPROVED Pick more varied dynamic preview content for non-latin fonts
IMPROVED Mark the current named instance in variable instances dropdown
IMPROVED Increased performance when removing a location with many imported fonts
FIXED Show correct tag in sidebar when dragging fonts and repeatedly toggling the Option key
FIXED Show non-inverted tag in sidebar when dragging fonts to inverted tag
FIXED Highlight selected subtags when expanding a parent tag
FIXED Allow selecting a single tag from multiple selected tags
FIXED Prevent glitchy animation when switching between adding and removing icons in sidebar
FIXED Keep selected tags when selecting another tag that is scrolled out of view
FIXED Target all family members when selecting a partial family and Group by Family is enabled
FIXED Properly render color fonts in Features tab
FIXED Prevent crash when loading corrupt font downloaded from cloud storage
FIXED Prevent crash when removing font that has already been removed in the background
FIXED Correctly preview Noto Nastaliq Urdu
FIXED Dehighlight Quick Collection icon in toolbar when viewing font details
FIXED Allow characters to overlap when printing and font smoothing is enabled
FIXED Prevent crash when exiting font details while scrolling
FIXED Highlight toolbar buttons when using long press actions
FIXED Clipped Family Editor input field on macOS Catalina