February 13th, 2023 refinements

Typeface v3.8


It’s time for some early spring cleaning!

Typeface 3.8 polishes the user interface in many ways to make everything more consistent and easier on the eyes. No rigorous changes, no worries, just making sure everything is pixel perfect. Contrast has been increased to improve legibility, activation indicators have grown a tad larger and our beloved fox has been tweaked a bit with a new lighting setup.

And for the type nerds: the Features tab now supports Apple Advanced Typography — you can preview and enable all typographic features available in TrueType fonts. Additionally, named instances are now visible for variable fonts. This allows you to snap to and select predefined variations (such as light, regular, bold, narrow, expanded etc.) with the variable sliders.

Finally, speaking of cleaning up, this release drops support for macOS 10.12, 10.13 and 10.14 — Typeface 3.7.2 will remain available for those of you still stuck on the older macOS versions.


NEW Added named instances to variable detail view, click on the value button of a variable axis to preview and change to a different named instance
NEW Added tick marks for named instances to variable sliders
NEW Show TrueType (Apple Advanced Typography) features in Features tab
IMPROVED Increased legibility and contrast for user interface elements, such as font names, buttons, labels etc.
IMPROVED Better performance when rendering Body Text layouts
IMPROVED Reduced application size by 20%
IMPROVED Reduced spacing of detail Info view columns
IMPROVED Reduced spacing of compare bar
IMPROVED Increased size of activation indicators
IMPROVED Prevent cutting off first line of Body Text previews when line height is decreased below 1
IMPROVED Show dashed metric lines, to make them visually different from preview grid borders
IMPROVED Show hover borders when hovering over variable sliders
IMPROVED Make search field icon more visible when filters are currently active
IMPROVED Edited app icons for better color consistency
IMPROVED Allow drag and drop to import license and backup files
IMPROVED Show drop message when dragging files to the sidebar
IMPROVED Show custom names for OpenType Stylistic Sets and Character Variants if available
IMPROVED Added support for non-standard OpenType features
IMPROVED Fixed scrollbar track not showing and prevent showing preview hover states behind scrollbar
IMPROVED Allow hiding overview scroll bar with right click context menu
IMPROVED Added option to restore purchase when purchase validation fails on Mac App Store release
IMPROVED Allow importing hidden folders and packages when file panel import options are adjusted
FIXED Make search field clear button clickable when first entering text
FIXED Correctly position back button when collapsing and expanding the sidebar
FIXED Display descender metric line below baseline
FIXED Show correct absolute line height value for Body Text layouts, which matches the values in design apps
FIXED Double click on variable slider to reset to default value
FIXED Switch theme of detail view loading messages when dark/light theme is changed
FIXED Prevent macOS file access issues when many fonts are activated (2500+)
FIXED Prevent macOS file access issues when importing many individual fonts (2500+)
FIXED Update hover states of activation indicators and collection buttons when scrolling in macOS Ventura